What is COM 3021-T?
COM 3021-T is a specialized section of COM 3021 Professional Speech Communication that is available exclusively to non-native English speakers. It offers the regular course curriculum and credit, plus additional instruction in intelligibility at no extra cost. Intelligibility refers to how much of what you say is understood by listeners.
In this course, you’ll hone your pronunciation and pragmatic skills while creating and delivering common types of professional speeches and presentations.
Who can take COM 3021-T?
Any undergraduate Zicklin or Zicklin-bound student who:
- has taken/has credit for COM 2020
- identifies as a non-native English speaker
- is determined to be eligible by the registration request form
What is the difference between COM 3021-T and a traditional section of COM 3021?
Credits: Both COM 3021 and COM 3021-T are 1.5 credits.
Length: COM 3021 is 7.5 weeks long; COM 3021-T runs for the full 15 week semester.
Curriculum: Both COM 3021 and COM 3021-T offer the same professional speech communication materials, assignments, and expectations. COM 3021-T provides additional practice with key features of English pronunciation, American pragmatics expectations, and professional spoken English.
Requirements: COM 3021-T students are expected to participate in TfCS services throughout the semester.
How do I get permission to enroll in COM 3021-T?
Not every non-native English speaker will necessarily benefit from the intelligibility instruction provided in COM 3021-T.
If you are interested in enrolling in COM 3021-T for the upcoming semester, click here to submit the registration request form. The course is not available during summer sessions.